When we began our fight against unconstitutional overreach, we kept Feds For Medical Freedom members informed with our “Fed Up Freedom Report.”
This week we are going to share some of those old newsletters. It is good to remember how much we have accomplished as we approach the end of the fourth year since the pandemic began, and three years since the mandate.
Testing… Mostly My Patience
Good day F4MF members,
Are you tired of tickling your brainstem with Q tips? Has your saliva been sacrificed at the alter of settled science so many times that you now qualify to serve as a bishop in the Church of Fauci? The next time you are asked to provide a negative COVID test result, do you childishly dream of dropping a stool sample directly on the front steps of your place of employment? The Chinese government considers it to be an accurate measure of COVID health.
OK, the part of me that isn't a man-child knows that last fantasy might be going a little too far... More important, we got into this mess letting the Chinese government set the standards for how we deal with a pandemic, right? Fool me once...
Doesn't mean I still don't dare to dream and you deserve to know you are in safe space. We all understand if you want to keep your answers private and truthfully, you are smart enough to know questions of a rhetorical nature are meant to draw you voluntarily into a conversation. So...
Join us on 30 May 2022 at 20:30 Eastern Time and we will arm you with discussion, data, and documents destructive and disruptive enough to help you disarm the misinformed bureaucratic functionaries clinging to the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" disinformation.
We know it is Memorial Day, but what better way to say thank you for the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform, then to stand up for the freedom they paid in blood to protect.
Who will be there: F4MF VP Jim Erdman, F4MF General Counsel Scott Lloyd, F4MF SME Christian Zwileneff... who knows we may have a surprise guest or two as well.
What will be discussed: How to push back against testing mandates and accommodations.
What you need to do: Download and read the following documents.
Why show up: We are looking forward to a lively discussion and stay positive. We are on the right side of history. Plus, Christian and the crew can weave a mighty good yarn!
When: May 30, 2022 08:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Where: The interwebs!!!!
Topic: Testing.... Mostly My Patience
Time: May 30, 2022 08:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting with this link.