HHS Violates Free Speech Protections
Part 3: Pronoun-advocates are racist homophobes and seek to destroy feminism
Neither HHS nor the USG, or even a close friend can force you to participate in a lie. It is your choice to acquiesce or decline, but you own the consequences of your decision, for good or for ill.
Management is … doing things right; Leadership is … doing the right things. - Peter Drucker
The notion that an individual can change their sex or that there is a malleable nature to one’s genetic make-up is a lie. It has been dressed up with pseudo-scientific terminology, and reality bending social constructs, but it is no less a lie. Even surgically altering (castrating) someone will not make that lie real.
I understand why it is easy to superficially support the notion of gender malleability. Objectively there are effeminate men and masculine women, but that doesn’t mean their genetic make-up displays a spectrum of chromosomal Y-content and X-content. It is binary.
If this concept were true, intellectual consistency would allow for the possibility of race as a spectrum. One could identify as the race of their choice. I could claim that I identify as an American of African descent born in Texas in the mid-1940’s, sporting a deep sultry baritone voice, but that doesn’t make me Barry White.
At best that makes me Rachel Dolezal or at worst… It makes me a blackface sporting Justin Trudeau. Ms. Dolezal has claimed that her delusion is a deeply held belief. Trudeau is Canada’s disgrace and a fascist clown masquerading as a man with deep conviction. Both are bad but only one has been harming the citizens of an entire nation.
Unlike the concept of transgenderism, except in extraordinarily rare cases of hermaphroditism, sometimes called intersex condition, science supports the concept of race fluidity. The genetics of ethnicity has been well-studied and you can even purchase a test from 23andme to see the degree to which your gene pool falls in various geographically defined ethnic categories. That said, I wouldn’t advise using the genetic testing services offered by 23andme.
I would have thought that the state would embrace the idea of race fluidity…
It would allow the widespread collection of your personal health and genetic information. I don’t want to supply our own homegrown fascists with additional creative grist to accomplish their anti-human, anti-democratic goals, but given their obvious steps towards a biomedical security state, this seems like a great means to advance their program.
Perhaps Ms. Dolezal was simply a martyr ahead of her time and her ‘bravery’ will have forged a well-trodden path others can navigate without being burned at the stake. In a few years, after desensitizing the public to the idea that we are just amorphous blobs of undefined genetic material, maybe they can begin to dilute the civil rights gains for which minorities have paid dearly.
Pronoun usage damages LGB advances in civil rights.
According to one study completed in 2011, 3.5% of the population identified as gay or lesbian and 99.7% identified with their birth sex. Only .3% of the US population identified as transgender. By 2022, some polling had put the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) percentage at 7.1%, while other statistics put the number as high as 10% for millennials and 20% for Gen Z. The transgender rate has only really changed significantly for those in the millennial and Gen Z generation.
As of 2022, CDC statistics claim that almost 1 in 5 youth (18%) between the ages of 13-17 identify as transgender. The number of transgender identifying youth has doubled in the last five years. While attitudes towards homosexuality have become more tolerant since the beginning of the LGBT movement, the rate of change of transgender identifying youth far outpaced that of those identifying as LGB.
There are four key conclusions that can be drawn from those statistics.
Gays and lesbians are not necessarily identifying themselves as another gender.
Transgender rates are relatively small even with a recent disproportionately large increase in youth identifying as transgenders.
The unusual spike in young people identifying as transgender indicates the possibility of other social factors playing a role in that demographic change.
Working age adults are an exceedingly small number of individuals seeking to identify as another gender, making workplace pronoun mandates an incongruous and unnecessary policy.
What are the second order effects of mandating pronouns for the LGB community?
Transgender issues get conflated with LGB activism. By grouping LGB into a category that would support the use of pronouns, the administration has assumed that all homosexuals and bisexuals support gender identity and want to see it included in formal policy going forward. Did they take the time to seek out the opinions of the LGB workforce? Did they seek out the opinions of the other protected classes that might be affected? Some worry their movement has been usurped by individuals that do not share their values.
If they didn’t ask for input from the rest of the minority community, then this may demonstrate their unconscious bias. Again, as I mentioned in the second in this Substack series, we are immune to the progressive tactic of using unconscious bias as an attack. Like the threat of economic sanctions, it has been levied so many times, the effects are now negligible. Additionally, it is the non-scientific product of a marketing blitz originating from flawed research at the turn of the century, but liberals may believe they have been verbally assaulted when you levy that accusation.
Are they assuming all varieties of the LGB community hold views on pronouns similar to that of the TQAI+, demisexual, graysexual, genderqueer, agender, bigender, genderfluid, gender nonconforming, and Minor Attracted Persons (pedophiles) communities? Groomers may embrace pronouns but there are clear indications that the founders of the LGB civil rights movement don’t necessarily believe genders are malleable, nor have they been willing to invite pedophiles into the fold.
Did you even bother asking …
A majority of this minority community may not be fully bought into the idea of transgender pronoun usage. The forced use of pronouns in an employment setting, not only runs counter to first Amendment protections, it may also be difficult to determine whether transgender protections being administratively implemented run counter to the minority community’s deeply held belief system.
68% of black adults believe that gender is assigned at birth. That number varies between 57% for liberal blacks and 84% of blacks that go to church. This study did not discriminate between black immigrants and the US-based generational black community. 60% of black adults polled believe that acceptance of transgenders is about right (31%) or has gone to far (29%); Meaning that adopting pronoun usage on a voluntarily basis is more than enough. No need to go any further.
Given these statistics, I wonder if alternate views have been censored. Perhaps the minority community has never had the opportunity to hear why pronoun mandates are harmful….
We must also view most polls with a degree of skepticism and assume that the Bradley effect could be at play. Poll participants could have much stronger and more divergent personal opinions. Personal thoughts and spoken answers are often divergent when one is on the phone answering questions developed in activist think tanks facing pollsters paid for by liberal interests.
Equality gains made by women are being erased.
I discussed the backlash J.K. Rowling faced in the second in this series of Substacks. Rowling is a feminist and other prominent feminists involved in groups like the Women’s Liberation Front are deeply concerned that men who identify as women have progressively invaded spaces reserved for female achievement and opportunity.
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) is a derogatory term meant to label feminists and lesbians who accurately worry transgender activity results in interference in areas previously restricted to biological females. Sports competition is one area of deep divide. William Thomas who now prefers being identified as Lia Thomas, powerlifter Jaycee Cooper, and middle distance runner for the University of Montana Jonathan Eastwood are all men competing and winning in women’s sports.
Lesbian Erasure is the concept that lesbians are erased by the male dominated LBGTQ community. I don’t know if that is a real phenomenon, but now lesbians are being erased by men claiming to be lesbian women.
Neurodivergent and the autistic are being targeted.
In addition to civil rights violations, the corrupt health industrial complex appears intent on exploiting neurodivergent vulnerabilities. 3-6% of transgender identifying individuals are autistic. Instead of examining this significant anomaly as an iatrogenic effect, pharmaceutical funded media has managed to effectively bury this common sense explanation under thousands of main stream news reports claiming right-wing malign actors are seeking to deny the disabled medical treatment.
That’s right, liberals believe that efforts to prevent vulnerable populations from engaging in life altering, permanent medical procedures - prior to determining if they are suffering from mental illness - are meant solely to deny medical treatment. That’s right, old white guys in back rooms are twirling their mustaches and plotting how they can make those autistic kids suffer.
This Orwellian form of mental jiujitsu is intended to delegitimize state legislative efforts to protect the vulnerable and those diagnosed with other mental health risks like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Georgia’s Senate Bill 140 passed in March 2023, and Arkansas, and Missouri have enacted similar State laws that limit gender affirming care for autistic individuals and any individual with symptoms of unresolved lifelong mental health risks.
Considering gender dysphoria is almost exclusively a temporary mental health condition, often outgrown during puberty, this is common sense legislation, and yet, these state laws have been criticized as discriminatory. In a particularly repulsive form of media gaslighting, Wired digital magazine made claims that mental health was being weaponized against the mentally disabled and those struggling with mental health risks.
As we’ll see in the fourth Substack in this series, the claims of weaponized medical care are often accompanied with direct executive action to limit funding and access to State level programs. This is a direct attempt to coerce State programs that differ in their approach to gender dysphoria into compliance with federal recommendations.
You may be asking why I spend so much time talking about gender affirming health care, transgender mission creep, and other topics seemingly only tangentially related to pronoun mandates. This is a good question and I will answer with a question.
What are the two steps that must occur before one can take action?
Thought and speech. In this case, someone must begin to adopt liberal ideas and have time to ruminate. Once those ideas infect one’s thoughts, then they adjust language to communicate their personal reality.
If we are going to prevent the greatest amount of harm, we can’t wait until people act. By then it is too late. Aside from good messaging and solid information operations, we aren’t going to get into someone’s inner thoughts.
So… if we are going to act to prevent harm, we must ensure speech is protected. Forced speech is just another form of censorship. Denying progressives the ability to mandate speech is a worthy cause. It is no different than refusing to state two plus two equals five.
I urge you to start your defiance and noncompliance using the above mentioned progressive liberal values against these enemies of objective truth. Ask them if they have adequately addressed the needs of other minority communities when they decided to begin mandating pronouns. Politely tell them they are destroying feminist gains and let them know explicitly that they appear interested in harming vulnerable autistic persons.
The next Substack will discuss the specific regulatory and legislative arguments at our disposal. Feds for Freedom intends to litigate the issue and even if you aren’t an active participant in the legal proceedings, you can help prep the battlefield. Failure to win this battle has real consequences...
The views and opinions do not reflect the views of the federal government or Feds for Freedom; however, they do reflect the views of sane, liberty-loving Americans.