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SARS-CoV-2 Is A Bioweapon.

So is the vaccine... It is time for a tribunal.

Dr. David Martin has been a controversial figure in the medical freedom movement, even among the myriad of controversial figures in the medical freedom movement.

Be the exceptional person in a group of exceptional people. ~ Unknown Origin

I first heard about him in 2020.

He was using the term bioweapon. Most people in my “controversial” circles were comfortable with the possibility of lab leak. Others may have even suspiciously considered the research in Wuhan, as more than just the guileless collection and characterization of novel coronaviruses. There was a lot of evidence for passaging experiments gone awry. Some of the skeptics even went as far as saying there was directed evolution, genetic engineering, and gain of function (GoF).

Using the term bioweapon, eugenics, and depopulation in the same sentence was a sure fire way of to get you canceled or… an invite to appear on InfoWars with Alex Jones. At the time, that seemed like a bad idea; both using those terms and an invite to appear on InfoWars.

Dr. Martin didn’t seem to mind. Truth seekers are not concerned with the inane prattling of feckless keyboard warriors. Words are weapons enemies fear and allies rally behind. It doesn’t matter where those words are spoken. The thing is… InfoWars and their accurate prognostications on a number of issues have been vindicated. They’ve provided better scamdemic news coverage than every other mainstream news outlet combined.

Dr. Martin was also invited to speak at the European Parliament. The video has been downloaded almost 14 billion times. Just saying…

In addition to crimes against humanity, psychological operations, and theft of one’s bodily autonomy, there is a deadly game of semantics being played. They know that words are weapons and are twisting meanings to support their manipulation of truth. We must be armed with facts if we hope to win this David and Goliath fight. Dr. Martin is armed with the MOAB of fact-based weapons.

Just like the CDC’s decision to change the meaning of “vaccine” during the pandemic, GoF has become a euphemism meant to disingenuously disguise bioweapons research. If a pathogen is made more deadly, transmissible, and attuned to infection in humans, that is a bioweapon.

Virologists reliant on government funding, delicately word smith a collection of lawfare-approved justifications meant to gaslight the general public into thinking GoF research is a benefit to humanity.

How could we possibly prevent the next pandemic without GoF research? What scientific innovations will we never discover without the ability to tweak nature in ways never imagined… in nature?

Vaccines pose the same questions when juxtaposed against the purpose of the vaccine research. If the vaccine being researched is being developed to protect against a virus that is the product of GoF research, it implies the virus may pose a threat to researchers… Or anyone coming into contact with the virus.

But wait! Let’s say this was an accidental release of a pathogen from a lab with failing lab-safety grades. Some might offer the red-herring that SARS-CoV-2, wasn’t a weapon, making my coupling of GoF and vaccines a false equivalency. Regardless of the organic product being enhanced, the act of making it more deadly makes it a bioweapon, but let’s put to rest the natural origin argument.

Absurdly, we still have some scientific research institutes trying to make the case that SARS-CoV-2 was of zoonotic origin. Let’s keep in mind, many of the arguments for zoonotic origin rely on our ability to prove a negative.

Genetic libraries responsible for keeping a tally of viral and bacterial genomes acquired from sampling studies in nature do not have data supporting claims of a clear phylogenetic match. In short, no one can find the ancestral strain that led to SARS-CoV-2. Government scientists, the WHO, and researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology claim that this only demonstrates a failure in the library vice an indication that it was man-made.

We just need to go to more bat caves and collect more viruses!

Contrary to popular belief it is possible to prove a negative, but it requires a little extra brain power. The individual making the claim, particularly if it runs counter to the status quo, must provide proof to the contrary. The burden of proof falls squarely on the individual(s) making claims that run counter to accepted wisdom. Do you see where I am going?

What is the status quo when it comes to novel viruses emerging from nature?

If you pick up your average epidemiology text book and look at the likelihood of a global pandemic, it would be a once in a century phenomenon. A novel, highly contagious virus, uniquely adapted to human infection, with no known intermediary species allowing for its jump into human populations would be a once in a millennia situation.

The government manipulated the discourse, coerced experts through censorship and financial threats, and gaslit the entire world into thinking regular outbreaks of dangerous pathogens was the norm. Now children with heart failure is a thing too, thanks to the same group of monsters. Despite the psychological operation being waged, currently, I agree that pandemics are going to occur far more frequently and potentially with greater severity of outcome, but why?

It is my opinion, that we have been playing a very dangerous GoF game, and our hubris is finally catching up. Dr. Martin has done the world the curtesy of fulfilling part of our responsibility to offer burden of proof when making claims that superficially appear unconventional.

Patents are an excellent roadmap. Infectious replicative defective clones should be a term Americans hear repeatedly up until and when the tribunals begin. Why? The incredibly destructive science being pursued was birthed in American labs by American scientists and funded by NIAID.

Dr. Ralph Baric’s lab was at the center of Infectious replicative defective clones. It also lays claim to a technology called seamless ligation. Congrats…

Despite all of this, we are told our failure to believe SARS-CoV-2 was natural is really just an indication that the genetic library holding blueprints for all know strains of coronavirus is deficient… It definitely isn’t because Chinese researchers linked to the Chinese military apparatus engineered a product for unknown purposes, and for even less fathomable reasons, it was funded by the U.S. government. We simply hadn’t funded enough of the longitudinal studies meant to expand our virus collection!

Anybody on the opposite side of that argument must be controlled by Chinese or Russian misinformation programs as well…

Regardless of the attacks on our intelligence and character, the library does provide some insight into unusual genetic characteristics. I don’t know about you, but GP120 and a nucleotide sequence matching that of a Moderna patent from 2015 really makes me wonder about the natural origins of SARS-CoV-2.

You know what else was happening in 2015? Moderna was negotiating a vaccine contract with the U.S. Government for a coronavirus vaccine.

Vaccine production is ALWAYS a requirement for a biowarfare program. If researchers are investigating how to make a virus more deadly, they must first produce a vaccine. Again, the government-supplied semantics related to GoF and bioweapon research should be completely ignored. Creating deadly viruses can be called GoF, biodefense, or preventative measures, but once you make a virus that is more harmful to humans than the its progenitor, it is biowarfare.

Let’s dive into the vaccine issue.

Creating a vaccine is just one side of the biowarfare coin. No one wants their own researchers harmed, correct? If that is the case, then the act of creating a vaccine to counter the dangerous product created in a lab is inherently part of that same biowarfare program.

This vaccine was particularly unusual and represents one logical inconsistency in my argument. If a vaccine is required for a biowarfare program, then it should offer protection. The mRNA injections appear to do exactly the opposite. That truth needs to be examined, and it is becoming increasingly hard to attribute the failure to simple incompetence. It leads to even darker conclusions about the government’s intent.

I encourage everyone to take a close look at Charles Rixey’s substack, Prometheus Shrugged. The once in a lifetime pandemic, was matched with a once in a lifetime vaccine. The injection’s inclusion of unusually deleterious epitopes are hard for even incompetent vaccinologists to explain. Why keep DC-SIGN receptors, the superantigen ORF, and the Furin Cleavage Site in the injection if these damaging sequences were always previously subject to removal by the vaccine makers?

Don’t believe me, check out Charles Rixey’s documentation of over 40 HIV vaccine candidates that removed the epitopes noted previously. The discussion of those topics can be quite technical, but I will try to break them down into digestible future Substacks for those that are interested.

If after all of this, it is still hard to believe we were purposely being harmed, think back to the other pandemic lies. Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were lambasted, while Remdesivir and Midazolam were killing patients. Even after it became obvious intubating patients led to worse outcomes, the practice continued. The old were isolated, unless they lived in an assisted living home in New York… Then, they were packed in with COVID positive neighbors. The government censored truthful information and purged government ranks of anybody offering a peep of resistance.

If that doesn’t clue you in… I am not sure we can help.

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