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They Lied About The Ingredients

SV40, modified RNA, Plasmids, and lies... lots of lies.

The Feds” Podcast host, Stephanie Weidle, and I are training for the 2024 Marine Corps Marathon… So, we have a LOT of time to chat on our Saturday morning runs. We discussed Kevin McKernan’s research into plasmid contamination of the Pfizer Vaccine. He was one of the key players in the Human Genome Project and knows his way around DNA and the implications of plasmid DNA and SV40 promoter contamination in the Pfizer products.

Long story short, we are talking about auto-immune disorders, cancer, and reverse transcription of deleterious genetic sequences into the human genome. He was attacked when he first reported on his research findings. You can hear what he has to say for yourself.

One last disturbing fact… Pfizer didn’t annotate the SV40 promoter region as a bioactive region when submitting their documentation to FDA to get approval for their product. A bioactive region is a region that ultimately leads to protein expression. This was no an accident… Worse yet, they would have had to delete it from the gene mapping documentation submitted to the FDA regulators before getting approval for their product.

It wasn’t just an omission, it was purposeful deceit. Why?

There are a number of really uncomfortable conclusions I can draw from a lie of this nature. Perhaps, this was all about money. If they (whoever they is) knew there would be significant health problems, like cancer, as a result of hiding the genetic damage that could be caused by plasmid contamination with SV40 promoter, then wouldn’t we see some indication that “they” were trying to capitalize on the lie?

My rabbit hole goes a little deeper

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