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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Feds For Freedom

“They” don’t need money—they already possess it all. What they truly desire is power, but not the kind that can be bought with wealth. They rely heavily on esoteric knowledge and are involved in ritual human sacrifice. Throughout history, human sacrifice has been seen as a means to invoke power—offering life in exchange for divine favor, influence, or control over supernatural forces. By manipulating societal systems through incentive management and controlling money, they corrupt these systems to serve their sacrificial agenda. The politicians, far from being the masterminds, are merely corrupt puppets—reliably responding to these incentive controls, furthering the agenda without fully understanding the dark forces they serve.

Before dismissing this as wild conspiracy or craziness, it’s worth doing some research into the history of occult practices and secret societies. These groups have long sought power that transcends wealth, rooted in spiritual and metaphysical dominance. By leveraging hidden knowledge and rituals, they manipulate societal systems to further their goals. Politicians, incentivized by rewards, fall in line as predictable actors, unaware of the more sinister objectives driving their actions. Their ultimate aim isn’t simply financial control—it’s about corrupting the very fabric of society for darker, insidious purposes. These connections align with long-standing theories about the true motives behind secret societies, making it essential to examine the evidence before dismissing these ideas outright.

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