Truth is a weapon of war and Kyle Seraphin is a warlord.
Kyle dropped his recorded interview with the FBI quite some time back and I can’t believe I haven’t had the chance to listen earlier. The whole bit of audio is well worth a listen, but if you suffer from ADHD or want to get the juicy parts, go ahead and fast forward to minute 38:10. The video details FBI’s interest in having Kyle meet at FBI HQS to facilitate a compelled investigation into his alleged behavior.
If you listen to the whole discussion, you’ll find Kyle’s behavior is the kind of behavior that forces lesser men, those incapable of true moral courage, to reflect on their own actions. Lesser men forced into a self-reflective state are dangerous and destructive. Sometimes they rise to the occasion … but rarely. If they are in a position of power they often seek to silence the righteous.
The FBI interviewer, an individual who seems to be an honest broker and someone who sincerely believes in the promise of America, asks Kyle, “… Don’t you think our adversaries want to just hug you for what you are saying?”
They are missing the whole point. Our adversaries fear people like Kyle. Adversaries have no home in an organization filled with men and women willing to sacrifice their personal well-being on principal and the promise of a nation built by public servants dedicated to self-sacrifice, duty, and uncompromising honesty.
Kyle has been a long time member and supporter of Feds for Freedom. When Feds for Medical Freedom first got rolling, he was a vocal and frequent participant in all of our town halls.
I have said this before and I will say it again.
I am grateful to count him as a friend. Feds for Freedom is made better by his eloquence and moral clarity.
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