I am sure you can find this video somewhere on the inter-webs, but Feds for Freedom (F4F) wants to make sure it is served up to you on a platter. This administration isn’t business as usual and it has been a shock and awe campaign of transformative change. Most of our readers are federal government employees. Listen carefully and see how YOU can contribute to positive change. If there is information they need to make swifter change or if there are errors in judgement or fact, help this administration adjust course. Send us your comments and we will see what we can do to help. Send them to info@fedsforfreedom.org
Along those lines, we have a core group of volunteers meeting regularly with members of Congress representing our organization and our objectives. We are seeking:
Accountability for the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Medical freedom and an end to mRNA injections.
Respect for the First Amendment and religious freedom.
De-politicization of the federal bureaucracy.
A return to Constitutional governance.
They have been donating their time and we want to send a special thanks to these valued volunteers. You know who you are.
Please donate to Feds for Freedom and become a paid subscriber to our Substack. All funds go directly to F4F. The donation to the organization is tax deductible and the donation to the Substack supports our media outreach.
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